Official Website of Lochlan Webb

Lochlan Webb was born in 1991 in Victoria, Australia. A poor country boy with a heart of gold, Lochlan briefly studied Creative Writing, before stepping away to pursue a career as a Construction Estimator.
Currently, Lochlan lives in Melbourne with his lovely girlfriend Christina and demonic cat Misty.
Touched by Darkness
28th of February, 2024
While peace has come to Koenn, war is only beginning to brew in Angaria.
Recovering from their journey to the Lost Fortress, Fredd and his companions follow the clues they have gained to the only place in Paria that is more dangerous than Magenn Forest. Shadows and dead men haunt them every step of the way, with allies few and far between. Further abroad, madmen haunt the backroads, and the common folk find themselves caught between the Church of the Shepherd, and the growing power of the Heralds.
As nobles, commoners and royalty try to make sense of the growing conflict, an unseen hand moves pieces into place. From a prince in Koenn to farmer in Angaria, none are untouched in his grand schemes.